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? Free PDF Reveille in Washington 1860-1865, by Margaret Leech

Free PDF Reveille in Washington 1860-1865, by Margaret Leech

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Reveille in Washington 1860-1865, by Margaret Leech

Reveille in Washington 1860-1865, by Margaret Leech

Reveille in Washington 1860-1865, by Margaret Leech

Free PDF Reveille in Washington 1860-1865, by Margaret Leech

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Reveille in Washington 1860-1865, by Margaret Leech

This beautifully written and informative book takes a comprehensive look at how Washington D.C. was changed by the Civil War. From the Introduction: "No event, not even World War II, more profoundly affected the capital than the Civil War. This is the central theme of 'Reveille in Washington'. The conflict of 1861-1865 transformed a sleepy Southern village from the seat of government for a decentralized confederation of states into the powerful capital of a reunited nation purified of slavery and state sovereignty by blood and fire. Margaret Leech's book has become a classic in the rich field of Civil War studies. It is, first and foremost, a beautifully written story - with a plot full of crises, surprises, twists, turns, comedy and tragedy, and the bittersweet climax of Union victory followed immediately by the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. It is a story with a heroic and tragic figure in Lincoln, a genuine villain in John Wilkes Booth, a would-be messiah in George McClellan, the beguiling rebel spy, Rose O'Neal Greenhow, Mary Lincoln who evokes pathos, and giants of American culture who play bit parts, such as Walt Whitman, Louisa May Alcott, Clara Barton, Andrew Carnegie, and more. In this book, Margaret Leech deftly molds the expansion and refurbishing of the Capitol into a master symbol for the awakening of American nationalism. Despite the three-dimensional richness of the human beings who march through these pages, the main protagonist is Washington itself. The city is the vantage point from which all the awesome events of the war are viewed. The book not only recounts the Civil War as it was shaped in Washington and seen from Washington, but it also breathes life into the city and makes it an animate, sentient being, not merely a place. History is the story of change over time; this is the story of the transformation of Washington during the most crucial four years of its history."

  • Sales Rank: #4642088 in Books
  • Published on: 1989
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Hardcover

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