Download War As I Knew It, by George S.; Freeman, Douglas Southall (Introduction); Harkins, Paul D. (Preface and Notes); Blumenson, Martin (Forewo
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War As I Knew It, by George S.; Freeman, Douglas Southall (Introduction); Harkins, Paul D. (Preface and Notes); Blumenson, Martin (Forewo
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328 Pages
- Sales Rank: #229848 in Health and Beauty
- Brand: Houghton Mifflin
- Published on: 1976
- Ingredients: Example Ingredients
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
An Inside Look at America's Best General
By Bill Weidner
"War As I Knew It," by George S. Patton, Jr., Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1976. With an Introduction by Civil War historian, Douglas Southall Freeman. General Patton maintained a diary from July 1942 through the month of his tragic automobile accident in December 1945. This book is based on that diary. It is not a straight historical, or chronological account of Patton's experiences during the war. Patton wrote down the things he thought were important at the time, those things he was thinking about. His emotions and opinions come across loud and clear. One can also sense his strong desire to study the art of command, the constant drive to thrust his army forward and the genius that made George S. Patton Jr. a great general.
This book was first published in 1947, before the Battle of the Falaise Gap became such a lightening rod for disagreement. Ladislas Farago's "Patton: Ordeal and Triumph" (1964) and Martin Blumenson's, The Patton Papers (1974)were also loosely based on Patton's diary, but both provide more detailed information on the Falaise Gap and both provide a more chronological, historical approach to Patton's WW II career.
There are three reasons to buy this book. First, there is no writer getting between Patton and the reader. This is the real stuff, this is exactly what Patton was thinking. These are Patton's thoughts as he reviewed his activities for the day. This was how Patton's mind worked and he takes the reader along for a very exciting ride. If you have read other books and still cannot figure out what happened to Walton Walker's XX Corps and Gilbert Cooks' XII Corps during the Battle of the Falaise Gap and why Bradley, who later claimed to be short of divisions, left these 4 U.S. Divisions uncommitted near Le Mans, please read pages 104 and 105.
The Second reason for buying this book is a small section at the back of the book, entitled: RETROSPECT. In this section Patton lists his suggestions for commanding troops in battle. For anyone hoping to become an officer or who wants to understand whys and wherefores of command, this section is invaluable. In it Patton explains why he always seemed to be in such a hurry: "Battles are won by fire and by movement. The purpose of the movement is to get the fire in a more advantageous place to play on the enemy. This is from the rear or flank." And now for the genius of Patton: "Every solider should realize that casualties in battle are the result of two factors: first, effective enemy fire, and, second, the time during which the soldier is exposed to that fire. The enemy's effectiveness in fire is reduced by your fire or by night attacks. The time you are exposed [to enemy fire] is reduced by the rapidity of your advance." p. 340. This is not a hard concept to understand. Other things being equal, the longer your forces are exposed to enemy fire, the higher your casualties. The hard part, and this was where Patton excelled, the hard part was being able, mentally, to accept those initial casualites in battle, to get on with the attack as soon as possible, so that the time your men were exposed to enemy fire was as short as possible. This required a certain kind of callous courage and a faith in your own ability to command. General Patton had it. Generals Eisenhower, Montgomery and Bradley did not.
The third reason for buying this book is that George Patton was almost always historically correct in recording events in his diary. Patton died in December 1945. He missed all the exaggerations, half-truths and outright lies which began to fly back and forth across the Atlantic after the war. Who did what at Caen? And what the hell happened at the Falaise Gap? For nearly thirty years Generals Dwight Eisenhower, Bedell Smith and Omar Bradley trashed Patton's reputation. He was accused of being a mentally unstable, callous blowhard, who would sacrifice the lives of his men for a headline in tomorrow's newspaper. While there was some truth in those accusations, especially about Patton's complicated personality, the real reason Eisenhower and his friends trashed Patton was to discredit what he wrote. It worked, for years Patton's reputation with the American public was in the toilet. But then things started to change. Ladislas Farago's book on Patton got the thing started. By the time (1974) Martin Blumenson edited his wonderful two volume tome on the "Patton Papers", the Freedom of Information Act in the U.S. and the release of British Secret ULTRA information were flooding historians with a mass of new information about what had happened during WW II. All of a sudden, Patton's wild-eyed accounts of events began to look like great history. Bradley's book, "A Soldier's Story" from 1951 was so discredited he had to write another book ("A General's Life," 1983) to correct all the errors. When the History Channel commissioned the Gallup Organization in 2000 to find out who was American's favorite general, the name came back: George S. Patton, Jr. We Patton fans could not have been more pleased.
General Patton told the truth about his activities during World War II. The truth will get you 5 stars every time.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great condition and price for a great book
By Teagan O'Bar
I had been searching for this since I found it randomly one day in the library stacks of my college several years ago. It's a terrific read, and I was very happy to find it in good condition for a very good price. Quick delivery. Would buy from this seller again.
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